ICT4Water cluster Annual meeting

On 11th of June, the ICT4Water cluster (a hub for EU-funded research and innovation projects on ICT applied to water management) will organise its annual meeting in Brussels, prior to the WSSTP Water Innovation Europe (WIE).

The cluster’s annual event is an opportunity for the ICT4water community to get together, reflect on the cluster’s mission and collaboratively work on the Action Plan, receive the steering advice from European Commission policy makers and stakeholders, and welcome the four new members. It is the first time that this event takes place in EASME premises since the hand-over from DG CNECT in 2018.

Next to keynote speeches from policy makers and industry innovators, the focus of this year’s meeting will be on the Action Plan and the kick-start of the Action Groups and the mapping of the projects’ results and impact on the water value chain. In interactive workshops, the participants will elaborate on the different topics of the Action Plan and identify opportunities to liaise with other projects of the cluster operating in their proximity. This way, ICT4Water aims to improve the efficiency of the projects and increase their impact while at the same time contributing to a digital single market for water services.

Read more on the ICT4Water Cluster website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 689239