Not even a year after the start, all work packages (WP) have achieved a common understanding of the role and commitment of the partners, and identified challenges, connections and solutions associated with the research to be carried out.
The kick off meeting of WP5 (Solutions for Cyber and Physical Protection in Water Critical Infrastructure at operational level) for example took place at the beginning of February in Barcelona. Hosted by project partner Eurecat, the partners discussed a set of tools and services to protect critical water infrastructures from cyber and physical threats at operational level. These solutions include, among other things, the security of wireless networks with a wireless jammer detection system, advanced video surveillance systems and water quality monitors, person detectors that use WiFi signals, improved SCADA and IT systems using Blockchain technology, a service that collects and publishes cyber incidents, and a novel system for detecting unknown anomalies in real time.
STOP-IT also has created Communities of Practice (CoPs) to contribute to the development of the project products with a multi-stakeholder perspective. Three levels of CoPs have been established to ensure different levels of confidentiality; the local CoP, the project CoP, and the trans-project CoP that already is embedded into a cluster of initiatives, such as the ICT4water cluster.
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