Invitation to WADI's Results Webinar - Detecting water leaks from above

Invitation to WADI's Results Webinar - Detecting water leaks from above

Dear colleague,

project WADI - Innovative Airborne Water Leak Detection Surveillance Service - is glad to invite you to the “WADI’s Results Webinar - Detecting leaks from above” that will take place the next 16 June 2020 from 14:00 to 15:00 (GMT+1).

Our team developed a new method to detect damage in water pipes using small planes and drones. Equipped with multispectral and infrared cameras, they are able to spot water leakages in large rural, inaccessible and dangerous places, where current ground methods, like the acoustic survey, fail. The team conducted tests in France and Portugal and the project is now ready to present the results of data analysis.

You can find more information about the webinar, including the agenda, at this link, or register clicking on the button below.


The webinar will be held in collaboration with the ICT4Water Cluster Annual Meeting, organised by EASME.

Elena Gaboardi -
WADI project Coordinator